Rekindled Page 9
“Speak for yourself.” He yanked his hand away and shut down the truck. He slammed the door and headed for the stairs.
The snow had started to fall harder and she left her footprints behind on the steps. Once inside, he didn’t talk, didn’t look at her, just went for the refrigerator. He got himself a beer, opened it, chugged half of it down, and then sat down on the sofa. “So,” he said, “you’re going to try and tell me you’re not the least bit attracted to me.”
“I didn’t say that.”
He sipped his beer and tilted a brow with a playful expression. “Okay, so you want me.”
“You’re a conceited bastard.” She’d thought about joining him on the sofa, but instead she just glared at him.
“Yes, and I’m right.”
“Ugh!” She stomped her foot. “What the hell do you want from me?”
She watched him gulp the rest of his beer. “I’d like a lot of things, namely the truth about the last five years of your life, but we’ll get into that after I’ve proven my point.” He didn’t really stand, but he did get up in some very sexy manner, and before she knew what was happening, he’d circled his arms around her waist.
“What point is that?”
“That no matter how hard you try to deny it, you still want me.”
Shutting her eyes tight, she shook her head and tried to back away. His grip was too tight, and if she was being honest, she wasn’t trying very hard. When she blinked her eyes, she gasped at the dark eyes diving deep into hers. “I won’t deny having sex with you would probably be pretty damn good, but that’s all it would be.”
“You sure about that?” He smiled devilishly.
Between the twinkling in his morsel-like eyes and his hands on her bare skin, she about caved. All he’d have to do is kiss her and she’d be his. But, if she could piss him off, then maybe she’d have a chance. She wiggled from his grip. “I don’t want you.” She backed herself against the railing to the stairs.
“Hmm.” He looked mildly amused. “That’s not what your body says.” His eyes glanced below the neckline.
“I’m cold.”
“No, you’re hot. Probably on fire.”
She moaned when his hand cupped the swell of her breast. He’d barely touched her, but it felt so perfect, so right, and he was right, her body wanted him. But she didn’t.
With the intention of pushing him away, she grabbed his wrist, but instead she coaxed his hand a little higher and ran his palm across her entire breast.
She should have known she’d cave to her desires. If nothing else, it would be a nice trip down memory lane.
“Tell me you want me,” he demanded.
“I want you,” she said.
He kissed her nose, then her check. It was tender. Gentle. Then he kissed her mouth. Their tongues met with wild fury like the storm brewing outside. She leaned into his hard chest, ripping his T-shirt from the waistband of his jeans and lifting it over his head, forcing their lips apart.
Ragged breathing filled the room as she admired his beautifully sculptured body. Every inch of him was thick and hard. She began to fiddle with the buttons on his jeans. Hard didn’t quite do justice to what was pressed firmly against the zipper.
Gentle hands lifted her shirt above her head. “So beautiful,” he said, tracing a path over the curve of her breast. He found the front clasp of her bra and released her aching mounds.
She couldn’t concentrate on anything but his fingers gently tugging at her nipples, and driving her mad with passion. She closed her eyes and dropped her head back. He gave pleasure to one breast with this hand and the other with his tongue. “Perfect,” he said as he knelt down and assaulted her stomach with soft kisses.
He rolled her jeans down, tugging her underwear with them. “Most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”
He’d always been one to give her romantic compliments in and out of bed. His love-making always made her feel special. She opened her eyes to see him stepping back, staring at her naked body, admiring. “You like what you see?” With him, she’d always felt completely comfortable being sensual. Odd how that seemed to be like riding a bike, because with other men, she’d always felt the need to cover up and hide.
He nodded and pointed to the stairs.
“You first.” The wind howled, banging branches against the windows.
The cold, bare floor squeaked when she took a step toward him. His muscles twitched as she ran her hands over his chest.
“Upstairs,” he said hoarsely and grabbed her wrist. The whole way to the bed, he found ways to touch her without really touching her.
She sat on the bed and watched him remove his pants and underwear. “I want to touch you,” she said.
He bent over, cupping her face and kissed her with everything he had. The kiss was wildly out of control, and when she glided her fingers over him, she felt a deep growl rise from his throat.
She moved her kisses to his neck, down his chest and to his firm stomach, all the while enjoying his mild curses and groans of appreciation as she stroked and squeezed him the way he’d taught her.
They’d taught each other how to give pleasure. They learned the art of love making by communication, experimentation, and a total lack of shyness. A surge of jealousy ran through her body when she realized another woman had touched, stroked and held him as close as a woman could.
She cupped his face. “Look at me.”
His eyes opened and she could the see the shock and confusion behind the glaze of passion. “Tell me it’s only this good with me.”
The left side of his mouth curled with a half smile. He brushed his knuckles against her cheekbone. His warm lips pressed against hers. With his hand cradling her back, he eased her down on the bed. “It’s only been good with you.”
Something inside her believed him. It didn’t matter if it wasn’t true; it was true for this moment.
And this moment was all that mattered.
Arching her back, she rolled her head to the side and lifted her chin to watch his masterful mouth give her body the deepest kind of pleasure. Not a single inch of her body was left untouched by his soft lips and tender tongue.
After he’d found a condom by his bedside, he settled his broad hips between her parted legs and pushed down in one tortuously slow stroke. “You are mine,” he whispered.
“I am yours,” she said.
It was something they used to say when their love was real and perfect. Now it was simply a way to remember.
She held him tightly long after they were both spent. She snuggled into the crook of his shoulder, and he held her close. His breathing slowed and soon he was sound asleep. She would enjoy this moment. Cherish it. And pray he’d forgive her, because soon she’d be sneaking away into the night...breaking his heart once again.
Blaine held Kaylee in his arms, knowing nothing had changed. They may understand the issues that tore them apart as young adults, but he didn’t understand her now, or her secrets. He’d like nothing more than to hide out in his tiny apartment and make love to her over and over again, but that wouldn’t do either one of them any good. He had to first find out who had killed her father, then what her secrets were. Or maybe it was the other way around.
A humming noise followed by his nightstand vibrating snapped him from his trance. He snagged his cell phone and flipped it open.
“Hello” he said, not letting Kaylee go as she tried to slip from his grasp.
“Blaine, its Hadley.”
“What can I do you for?”
“I need to talk to you and Kaylee about Rutherford.”
Blaine kissed her softly on the forehead. “Okay.”
“In person. Is she there?”
“I’ll be over in a half hour.” The phone went dead.
Blaine chucked the cell to the floor. “We’ve got a half hour before company comes.” He shifted the covers, giving him better access to her naked body.
p; “What are you doing?”
“What does it feel like I’m doing?” Her skin was still beaded with sweat from their last encounter, but he hadn’t had enough of her yet. He ripped the covers off their bodies all together.
“Now I’m cold.”
“Let me warm you up.” She’d always been the most beautiful creature he’d ever seen.
“Who’s coming here?” she asked.
“Who cares?” The muscles in her stomach twitched as he ran his fingers down her firm middle, his lips following.
He’d never wanted to please a woman more. Never wanted her more than at this moment. He made sure she was deeply satisfied before allowing himself any relief. When they were once again spent, he lay there motionless, listening to her breathing and feeling her heart beat against him. He’d given a lot of thought to making love with her one time, but none to repeating the action. His heart was already feeling the consequences.
“Blaine?” Her lips pressed against his neck.
“Hmmm,” was about all he could manage at the moment.
“I really don’t want you to move, but my back— ”
“Oh, Jesus.” Gently he shifted to the side. “I’m sorry.”
She stretched like a cat and then curled up against him. “I’m not.” She tickled his chest with her fingers. “So, who’s going to be interrupting us in a few minutes?”
“Crap,” he muttered and added a few more curses under his breath. He planted a wet kiss on her lips before shifting to the side of the bed and slamming his feet on the floor. “Perfect timing.” Headlights beamed through the window. “Hadley’s here.”
“Oh, great.” Kaylee gathered up the sheet, wrapped it around herself and started searching the room. “My clothes are downstairs.”
“I’ll get them for you,” he said, hiking up his jeans.
“You don’t think he could be my father, do you?”
“Says it’s impossible.” Blaine gave her an apologetic smile. He wondered who else she thought could be her father and what she’d think about his theory. “I asked him to compile a list.”
“This sucks,” she mumbled and then hauled ass to the bathroom, sheets and all.
Blaine couldn’t really fault her for her sentiment. Her mother had suffered from a horrible disease before killing herself. Then, Kaylee returned home, landing herself in the middle of her father’s murder. Of course, Blaine couldn’t forget she was running from some very bad people.
A harsh knock pounded at his door. He took his time going down the stairs, giving Kaylee plenty of time to get herself presentable. “Hey,” Blaine said opening the door. “Wow, look at that snow.”
“Calling for at least twelve inches, maybe more.” Hadley dusted the snow off his shoulders as he took a step in. “Where’s Dave?” he asked.
Blaine blinked and then glanced out at the driveway. Dave’s pick-up was parked right next to his. Well, he could no longer begrudge the man his sex life, especially since Blaine now had one. Even if it was short lived. But damn, again? “He’s been dating my mother.”
“I guess I shouldn’t be surprised,” Hadley commented. “If you don’t mind me saying, your mom’s quite a looker.”
“So I’m told.” Blaine shook off the shiver climbing up his spine. Dave certainly was a better choice in men then Hadley. Not because Hadley wasn’t a good man, but he was only interested in a few nights, maybe a month, but then he always moved on. Rumors were that Hadley had gotten hurt once and swore he’d never let a woman get to him again. The only reason he been married once was because it looked good for both of them. The marriage lasted a couple of years, but everyone knew it had been over before it began.
Hadley took out some papers and moved into the galley kitchen. “Got a beer?”
“What’s bothering you?” Blaine eyed the man helping himself to a beer. Hadley might have been an old friend, but they certainly weren’t close.
“A lot of things, namely this.” He tossed an envelope on the counter. “I’ve been going through all my files on Rutherford and I came across an old envelope he’d given me a while back. Honestly, I’d forgotten all about it.”
“What is it?”
“A list of people he knew were sleeping with Roberta.” Hadley tipped his beer back and swigged.
Blaine glanced at the envelope. “Why would people sleep with her knowing she was unbalanced?”
“Early on, none of us knew. She’d always been precocious as a teen, and Rutherford knew she had a reputation when he started dating her.” Hadley seated himself on the barstool. “Her family was powerful, and I think Rutherford turned a blind eye. Then he just tried to control her actions and keep things under his roof, so to speak.”
“When did he give this to you?” Blaine lifted the envelope and carefully pulled out the single piece of paper. He’d always wondered why Rutherford didn’t force Roberta to take her medication, or institutionalize her or something.
“I think it was right before she killed herself. Deep down Rutherford really believed he was protecting her. And Kaylee.”
Blaine read over the list. “What do you think?”
“I think Rutherford was a spiteful man.” Hadley polished off his beer. “I wonder if he wasn’t planning these men’s demise.”
“Were he and Roberta ever happy?”
“Happiness comes in degrees.” Hadley rubbed his jaw. “Rutherford wanted a wife from a certain background, a child, and the perfect home. He got more than he bargained for.”
“And this is code for what?”
“When it comes to his wife, he got what he deserved.”
“Why stay friends with him all these years?”
Hadley let out a hearty laugh. “We were like brothers. Sometimes I loved him and other times I wanted to beat the shit out of him.”
“Sounds like you wanted him dead.” Blaine got himself a beer.
“Well, he’s driving me nuts, even in death.” Hadley ran his hand across his face. “But I should tell you that I lied about something.”
“What?” Blaine asked, just as the bathroom door clicked open and Kaylee stepped into the family room. “Hi,” she said.
“Kaylee, I hope you will be able to forgive me.” Hadley stood up, but didn’t move.
“For what?”
“You know I had an affair with your mom before she and Rutherford were married, but… well, I slept with her later on, too.” Hadley craned his neck.
“Are you… could you?” she stammered.
Hadley slumped down in the chair. “For a long time, I thought I might be. That’s when I started to realize how sick Roberta really was. She started talking crazy, and I thought it best to leave it alone until after you were born.”
“What happened when I was born?” Kaylee asked wide-eyed.
“Your dad really thought you’d make Roberta happy and she’d snap out of it. Then the diagnosis came, and I just couldn’t bring myself to tell him about the affair until you got sick.”
“I’m confused,” Kaylee said. “Do you know who my father is?”
Hadley shook his head and tossed another piece of paper on the table.
“How long have you known Rutherford wasn’t my father? How long did he know?” Kaylee demanded.
“When you were six.”
“Jesus,” she muttered.
Blaine moved to stand next to Kaylee and put his arm around her. None of this could be easy for her to hear.
“He wasn’t too happy when the doctor told him his blood couldn’t help you. Privately, I got tested, but found out it wasn’t me either. No one else came forward.” Hadley looked at Kaylee with guilt and shame in his eyes.
“Kaylee had to have a blood transfusion back then. Who was the donor?” Blaine asked, his heart pumping frantically.
Hadley shrugged. “They had some in the blood bank, and Rutherford begged me to help him keep this whole thing a secret. It didn’t come out until Kaylee almost bled to death in child birth.” Hadley rose from the chai
r and moved across the room.
“Where did the blood come from after Deslin was born? I had to have a transfusion then too, but I don’t remember… ” Kaylee’s voice shook and her eyes pleaded with Blaine.
“The hospital had enough of your blood type.”
“He looked so hurt when I yelled at him later, calling him a fake,” she whispered. “I accused him of using me to not only trap Mom and hold her hostage, but that he’d been the one drugging her and making it look like she was sick.”
“Those are your mother’s words, not yours, and you’d just been through hell and back. Then to find out your father wasn’t really your father, no one could blame you.” Blaine tried to comfort her, but he’d failed her ten years ago when he’d chosen not to be there for her. He knew he was too late now. “Hadley, do you think anyone on that list would have a valid reason for killing Rutherford?”
“Valid or logical?”
To a sick individual, the reason wouldn’t matter, and Blaine knew that. “Just asking your opinion.”
“All of us at one point or another had reason to hate the man, including the two of you.”
Blaine really couldn’t argue that point and he didn’t want to. “Anything else?”
“All of Rutherford’s assets are tied up until his death can be resolved, but he left everything to Kaylee.” Hadley rose and walked toward the door. “I’ll keep going through my files, but I’d search that house and look for anything he might have kept of your mother’s. And that damned room he always bragged about.”
“You think my biological father killed him, don’t you?” Kaylee followed him to the door.
“Either him, or someone who doesn’t want the truth to come out.”
“Didn’t your mother get into the booze and rant about perverts that would come and rape her?” Blaine asked.
“When she had stopped taking her meds altogether she’d go nuts, dressing up and trying to sneak out. She’d drink and rant about the men Dad would send to seduce her.” Kaylee covered her face and shook her head. “When she got like that, it scared me. I didn’t want to end up like her, but the meds made her even more pathetic. She’d sit at the table and color, like a kid.”