Dark Water Page 8
“Does she know who you are?”
“She knows I’m a trooper.”
“She doesn’t have a clue, does she?” Patty shook her head. The chair screeched across the floor as she pushed it back and then stood. “Are you going to tell her?”
“Are you insane?”
“Pretty much.”
“If you like her and want to keep her in your life, you need to tell her. That’s kind of a big deal.”
“I asked her out, she said no. End of story.”
“You don’t give up that easily.” She pulled open the door.
He smiled and winked. “True.”
“Be careful.”
“Ditto,” he said as she closed the door and glanced at his watch. Time to make sure his fishing outing was still on with Andy. He flipped open his cell phone and dialed her number.
“Hello?” a young voice answered.
“Who’s calling, please?”
“It’s Frank.”
“Hey, cool. I was just getting ready to call you. What time should I be ready in the morning?” he asked with excitement laced in his voice.
“Meet me down at the public launch at seven sharp.”
“Cool. Do you like the movie ‘Jaws?’”
“Love all of them, why?” Well, at least he used to.
“Aunt Lacy and I are having a ‘Jaws’-fest tonight; want to join us?”
Frank could hear Lacy protesting in the background saying she was sure he had better things to do. “I’d love to. Shall I come over now?”
“We’ll wait for you.”
“Give me a half hour.” Frank hung up the phone and dashed to the shower. No way would he pick up the phone and have her talk him out of it. All he wanted was a chance to get to know her. A chance to help her and Andy. He owed it to them.
To Hannah.
Chapter Five
“CAN YOU TELL ME about the accident? I heard Chad is still in critical condition,” Lacy whispered over the noise of the television. Andy had long ago fallen asleep, but if she woke him up and turned off the television, Frank wouldn’t have any reason to stay.
“Still under investigation. Can’t really say anything.”
“I hope Chad is going to be okay.”
“Do you know him?”
“We all went to high school together,” she admitted, trying to be as quiet as possible since Andy had shifted. When she’d heard what happened, secretly she’d wished it had been Taylor. It had been a fleeting thought, but now she felt even worse since Chad was fighting for his life. She really didn’t wish that on anyone, not even Taylor.
“Taylor is adamant that whoever it was that ran Chad off the road was after him.”
She didn’t like the way Frank tilted his head and narrowed his right eye when he spoke. “Did he give the cops any ideas?”
“Not in so many words.”
“Damn him.” She tugged at her hair. “He’s been saying all sorts of weird stuff about me. He’s even told a few people that I prostituted myself in Vegas.”
“Who the hell did he tell that to?”
“His lawyer. It’s not true, you know.” Even though she’d never done it, and never would, there were some things in her past that could come back to haunt her.
“I can’t picture you doing something like that, even out of desperation.”
“Gee, thanks.”
“Come on, you and I both know people do some pretty crazy stuff when pushed or desperate. I’m just saying I think you’re a stronger person than that.”
“I’m not perfect. I’ve done some things I’m not proud of.”
“Haven’t we all?” He gave her a knowing smile and somehow that made her feel better.
Andy shifted again on the couch, and while she didn’t want Frank to leave, Andy needed to go to bed.
“Come on, Andy,” Lacy said as the last ‘Jaws’ movie wrapped up. “To your own room.” She ruffled his hair.
“Night,” Andy said, waving as he bumped into the wall. “See you in the morning.”
“Bright and early,” Frank said as he rose from the swivel chair. “Thanks for having me over tonight.” He shook Andy’s hand and gave him a pat him on the back.
Lacy kept her focus on Andy as he shuffled to his room. She continued to look in that direction even after he closed the door. She swallowed the thick lump in her throat. Frank stood just inches from her. She could feel him staring.
“Would you like me to leave?” His voice rumbled through her body like a volcano about to erupt.
“No,” she whispered truthfully and that scared her. She wanted to be able to lie to him, but that was proving to be impossible.
“Can we sit outside?”
She glanced his way, locking gazes with his sensitive blue eyes. He stood with his arms dangling at his sides. Frank was a cop and cops only cared about one thing: power. But he seemed different. There was a sweet, sensitive side to him and she wanted to trust him. Right now, he was all she had besides Andy. “That would be nice.”
The screen door screeched as he pushed it open for her. She dropped her gaze to the cement landing which rocked when she stepped on it. Heat rushed through her body as she passed him. She inhaled the cool night air in hope of chilling the sudden impulse to kiss him, but got a good dose of masculine aftershave instead. She tilted her head so she could see the dark sky glittering with stars.
“I love nights like this.” No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t ignore the physical pull he had on her. Being with him would be nice. Probably great. No harm in a little adult pleasure.
He wrapped his fingers around her bicep, gripping firmly, but not forcefully. His touch sent a hot tingle all over her skin. This was purely physical. A strong arm wrapped around her middle and moments later, she found herself staring at his dark T-shirt pulled tight against his firm chest. She held her breath as she slid her trembling hands across his hard pecs and then glided them over his shoulders before clasping them behind his neck. She blinked, shifting her focus to his face.
Pull away, she told herself.
His lips parted as his tongue skimmed across his lower lip. His eyes were heavy with desire. He stared at her, pulled her hard against his rigid body, but didn’t kiss her. The wind rustled the tree branches in the background. She could smell the burning wood of her neighbor’s fire, adding to the heat escalating in her body.
“Irresistible,” he whispered right before his mouth brushed against hers. His soft lips opened as he slipped his warm tongue into her mouth, exploring her. Teasing her. Tasting her.
A moan vibrated against her throat. His body molded to hers as he pressed her against the side of the trailer. Every muscle intertwined. She splayed her hand across his broad shoulders, gliding her fingers across his neck to touch his soft skin. Everything about the moment was perfect, except she was in the arms of a cop.
He pulled back, cupping her face in his callused hands. His thumbs fanned her cheekbones in small, soft circles. “I want you,” he whispered.
A hot fire ignited in her belly and poured through her veins. All the reasons she shouldn’t be with him flew from her mind.
“This doesn’t mean anything.” She molded her mouth with his before he had a chance to deny her, or plea for something she couldn’t give him. She fumbled through the doorway, trying to keep her arms and lips in full contact with his hard frame. Managing the step, the door, and his lips, at the same time, turned out to be too much as Frank’s body plummeted over her and they landed on the floor with a thud.
“Shit. You okay?” He threaded his fingers through her hair. “That wasn’t quite what I had planned.”
She covered her mouth, cutting off the giggle tickling in her throat. “One way to get on top of me,” she said behind her hand.
“Not sure that’s how I want you.” He planted a quick kiss on her nose and then hoisted himself up, yanking her to her feet in one motion. “You do have a l
ock on your door, don’t you?”
She frowned as the reality of what was happening had started to sink in. “I think so. You do have a condom, don’t you?” Almost hoping he didn’t. She didn’t have the courage to back out, so any excuse would do.
His wide smile indicated that condoms weren’t an issue. “Let’s check out that lock.” Lacing his fingers through hers, he tugged her toward the back of the trailer.
The trailer seemed to stretch on forever. Her heart hammered against her chest in uneven beats. This was exactly what she wanted. What she thought she deserved, but now that it was standing right in front of her, she had second thoughts. Nothing good could come out of a one-night stand with a cop. “Frank,” she said, clearing her throat as she tried to pry her hand from his. “I’m not sure this is such a good idea.”
He paused and looked at her as if he understood exactly what she was feeling. His body completely relaxed as he pulled her to him once again. “I don’t want you to do anything you would regret.” He pressed his lips against her temple. “We can talk, kiss, or more. Or…I can leave. It’s up to you.”
Up to her? Right now she was so confused she couldn’t see straight. Her life was not her own anymore. Every decision she made would affect another person. A feeling of dread came over her. Andy should be her only thought, but she felt alone and desperate. No matter how hard she wanted to hate the man standing before her, she couldn’t. “I don’t know what I want,” she whispered, tucking her head in the crook of his neck.
His strong hands felt supportive against her back. His tender touch gave her more than she’d been prepared for. Everything about him was wrong, but at the same time, she felt a sense of freedom in his arms. It was as if the world outside her trailer didn’t exist, and somehow he made her think she could do anything. She resented him for that feeling because it wasn’t real. The moment he walked out that door, she’d be left with the same problem she’d faced when he walked in. Being alone.
He held her for a long moment. Time appeared to stop as the first tear trickled down her cheek. She couldn’t control the tears now if she tried. They’d been pent up for so long and she had to admit it felt good to let go. In the past few months, she’d had to be the strong, responsible adult for Andy. His rock. She didn’t want to let him down like so many others had, including Hannah.
Her mind whirled as Frank pushed back the door and carried her to bed. After pulling back the covers, he gently laid her down and crawled in next to her, holding her tight. The room spun, but she felt grounded for the first time since her sister had died. “Don’t leave me,” she whispered, pressing her lips against the stubble on his chin.
“I’m not going anywhere.”
When his mouth brushed against hers, desire exploded deep inside her and a desperate feeling came over her. She yanked at his shirt until it slid over his head. Her tongue darted deep into his mouth on a reckless mission to bury the pain of her existence. The need to be filled by him was so intense it scared her, but didn’t stop her as she tore her clothes from her body.
“Lacy,” he said softly, holding her wrists. “Not like this.”
“What?” She struggled to break free from his grasp. “I thought you wanted this.” Panic started to set in as her heart raced out of control. She couldn’t bear rejection. Not from him. Not now.
“I do.” He pressed her down onto the mattress, pinning her with his weight. “But I’d like to enjoy it too. Maybe take it a little slower.” He stared deep into her eyes for a long moment. His body settled down on her like a favorite comforter. His thumbs fanned her cheeks in a rhythmic motion. “So beautiful,” he whispered, before pressing his lips against her ear. “I want to make love to you.”
Frank’s hands began roaming her body. He caressed her skin as he shed the rest of her clothing, tossing it aside. His mouth devoured every inch of her. Her muscles relaxed into the softness of the bed as the outside world disappeared into the night. She let herself feel every tender touch. Nothing mattered but the pleasure he brought and the escape he created. Then, for a moment, it all stopped.
She opened her eyes to see him standing before her. His bare chest glistened in the moonlight. She gasped as he lowered his pants over his hips and to the floor. She’d imagined the perfect male before, but never thought he’d be standing in front of her—naked. Gloriously naked. Something about him made her feel like she could do anything. Be anything. And right now, the way his smoldering eyes locked with hers, she felt like a woman for the first time in years. Maybe the first time ever.
She held her hand out to him, but he ignored her silent plea as he lifted her foot from the bed and planted a firm kiss on her big toe, and then worked his way across her calf, over her knee, and up her inner thigh.
“Oh, God.” She moaned as he brought her to new heights. Heights she hadn’t known existed before. Her heart hammered in her throat, making it difficult to catch her breath.
She fisted the pillow in her hand and brought it to her mouth for fear her groans might actually wake the dead. Or worse, Andy. Frank’s fingers gently stroked her, slow and tender, while his tongue smothered her skin with soft kisses. When she’d finally reached her limit, she stuffed the pillow over her face and cried his name as her body caved. Her climax was so powerful she didn’t think her muscles would ever recover from the earthquake shaking inside her. She felt his hot breath on her stomach, as he kissed his way to her neck.
“Hello,” he said, removing the pillow.
Her heart fluttered and she took in a deep breath. “Hi, yourself.”
His smile set her pulse on fire. The way he looked deep into her eyes made her feel like he’d never be able to see past her. That somehow she’d become the center of his world. She swallowed her own breath, knowing that could never be. One night of passion would be the only thing she and Frank would ever mean to each other.
“Thank you,” she whispered.
“You’re welcome.” He kissed her nose and then scooted to the edge of the bed, reaching for his pants.
“You’re leaving?” She pulled the sheet over her body suddenly aware of her own vulnerability.
He glanced over his shoulder. His forehead all scrunched up making him look confused. He lifted his hand showing the condom.
“Oh.” She tried to stifle her chuckle, but it didn’t work out so well when she snorted.
“Now that’s attractive.” He placed the wrapper between his teeth and tore it open. Normally, that wouldn’t seem sexy, but nothing about this experience was what she would describe as normal.
“Doesn’t happen very often. Need any help?”
“Got it covered.”
She chomped down on her tongue and pinched her nose.
“You’re cute when you’re amused.” He plopped himself down on the bed next to her and then propped himself up on an elbow, running his fingers across her stomach. “Like I said before, I didn’t want you underneath me.”
“Really.” She rolled over, pressing her leg between his.
“This, I like.” His hands roamed her backside, encouraging her to shift.
“Yeah, me too.” She straddled him, feeling his erection against her inner thigh. She brushed her hair across his chest and smoothed her hands across his soft skin. His fingers dug deep into her ass as she adjusted herself to accept him inside her. He raised his head and thrust his tongue into her mouth with fierce need.
She felt lightheaded, and the breeze ruffling the curtains over the bed did nothing to cool her temperature. He nibbled on her ear, breathing hot words she could barely understand, but they sounded wonderful as a second orgasm ripped through her body unexpectedly. The sensation repeated itself when he clutched her hips holding her still. He arched and whispered her name.
Slowly, she rocked back and forth. Her body still quivering in the after effects of the purest form of lust she’d ever had. He smoothed his hands over her beaded body, drawing her lips to his. His soft kiss sent a shiver up her spine.
p; “Cold?”
“No.” She buried her head in his neck, and rested her hands on his broad shoulders. A sudden sadness pierced her heart; her one night was about to come to an abrupt end. The morning light was only a few hours away, and Frank would have to leave long before then. She sighed, holding him tighter.
“What’s wrong?” he asked.
“You have to leave.”
“I know,” he whispered. “Kind of silly since I’m picking Andy up in a few hours.”
“You can’t stay here,” her words were laced with the same panic that ran through her system. “Oh, God, this was a mistake.” Suddenly, she felt naked. How could she jeopardize Andy’s wellbeing like this? What if Taylor found out she’d had a man in the trailer with Andy sound asleep in the room next door? Taylor would find a way to make it look dirty. Morally bankrupt or something. “Please leave.”
“Lacy,” Frank said with a tender tone and wrapped the comforter around her. “First, dating isn’t a no-no in custody battles, especially when the date is a cop with a near perfect record.”
“We’re not dating. This was a one-time thing and no one can ever know.” She pushed him away. She didn’t want to feel safe in his arms because that was a temporary feeling. No matter how she looked at this situation, when the sun rose, she’d be worse off than yesterday.
“I understand.”
“You don’t understand anything.” Her pulse pounded in her ears. She had to get him out before anyone saw and before she lost it completely. Leaning over the bed, she scrambled to find his clothes.
“Lacy,” he said again, grabbing her biceps hard. “I’m going to leave, but not until I know you’re going to be okay.”
She blinked, but the room wouldn’t stop spinning. She could hear him talking to her, but wasn’t sure what he was saying. Something about how she needed to take in slow breaths and make herself relax, but she couldn’t. Her lungs burned from lack of oxygen. Her eyes stung from the tears fighting to break free. Red and yellow spots danced around in front of her. She tried to focus on his face, but her eyes hurt. She buried her head between her legs and started to sob. “Go away,” she begged.