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Georgia Moon: It’s all about Whiskey Page 6

  But it was the knowledge that Luke had been the one that set the ball rolling for her brother’s arrest.

  She stepped from the bathroom in search of Luke, but instead she found her brother JW, instead.

  “Hanging in there?” JW asked.

  She reached out and ran a finger over the knot of his tie. “You dress up real nice.”

  “And you’re doing whatever it takes to stay off the subject of Luke and his testimony.” JW looped his arm over her shoulders and led her down the long corridor. “Just because he put the idea in Bella’s head to have me arrested, doesn’t mean he meant it or wanted it to happen.”

  “Did he tell you he made that suggestion?”

  “When I returned from Baltimore the first time with Kitty, that’s when he broke down and told me everything.”

  “All that time you spent defending yourself and he could have spoken up,” she said, shaking her head.

  “It wasn’t that simple for him, and you know it.” JW pushed open the heavy doors to the courtyard in the back of the justice hall. “Up until Bella came out with the truth, Robert had him between a rock and a hard place. His sister was about to give birth and her loser husband was still in the picture. Not to mention, he had him over the coals with the dead horse. Until Luke had been able to uncover the truth, he didn’t have a leg to stand on.”

  “Why did Bella admit to what happened? It seemed that was the beginning of the end for Robert.” The sun hit Georgia Moon’s face, and the warm air rolled over her exposed skin. She found a seat at one of the empty picnic tables. The sound of a hawk screeched out overhead. She glanced to the sky with her hand covering her eyes. She’d wanted to ask that question so many times, but JW had insisted they put all of that behind them and focus on their bright future.

  But now that the trial had commenced, it tore everything open.

  “I really don’t know, except to say that she does have a mood disorder, and she does things impulsively. Deep down, she’s not a horrible person.”

  “Are you kidding me?” She snapped her head toward her brother. “She’s still spreading rumors about us.”

  “She’s scared because if her father is found guilty, not only does it mean she’ll be alone and will most likely lose everything, but she also has a lying problem to begin with. It’s her pathology. Half the time I think she believes every word she says.” JW set his hat on the table and raked a hand through his hair. His mouth curved. Since he’d fallen in love, he had a perpetual smile, and his eyes twinkled. She loved that for her brother, and Kitty would make for a great sister-in-law.

  But it also seemed to have made him soft.

  “I can’t believe you’re defending Bella.”

  He waggled a finger. “Do not mistake empathy for forgiveness. She does not get a hall pass from me. But you asked me a question, and I answered.”

  “Why do you always have to be so pragmatic?” Her older brother had been an incredible role model for her and her little brothers. After their parents died, he stepped into the role of protector, and no matter what, he had her back.

  “Same reason you’re insanely organized. It’s in my DNA.”

  She laughed.

  “So, tell me. What’s going on with you and Luke?” JW asked with an arched brow.

  She bit down on the inside of her cheek to keep her own smile contained. Waking up in Luke’s arms had been surprisingly natural. “I don’t know, actually.”

  “I see.” JW straddled the bench and gave her his best big brother head tilt with a concerned expression. “Did something happen?”

  “I let him spend the night,” she admitted. For her entire life, JW had been her sounding board, and she told him everything. Well, almost everything. “Even though he said he was still leaving.”

  “So, you thought sleeping with him would change his mind?”

  “Something like that. I know he cares about me. He even used the word love.”

  “He said he loved you?” JW shifted closer.

  “The words tumbled out of his mouth in the throes of passion,” she said.

  JW smacked his forehead. “I didn’t need that kind of detail, but I take it you don’t believe he meant it, like he was just saying it because of the situation.”

  “Well, he hasn’t said it since, and it’s been a couple of days.”

  JW rubbed his temples. “I can’t believe I’m going to ask this, but have you and he more than once?”

  Georgia Moon’s cheeks heated. “Yes,” she admitted. “He spent the night the last three days.”

  “Crazy question. Did you tell him that you love him back?”


  JW ran a hand through his hair before setting his hat on top of his head. He patted her thigh. “You probably crushed his ego when you didn’t say it back, and now he’s gun-shy.”

  “He’s got no problem when—”

  “I don’t need that much detail.” He waved his hand. “But trust me when I say since you didn’t say it back, he’s not going to say it again.”

  “So, what you’re saying is that men will continue having sex with a woman who doesn’t love them back?”

  JW patted her shoulder. “But you do love him back and deep down, I suspect he knows that. If you want him to stay, tell him how you feel. He might surprise you.”

  “Speak of the devil,” she mumbled as she put on a sweet smile and waved.

  “No time like the present.” JW kissed her cheek. “I’ll see you later.”

  Maybe her brother was right, and it was high time to tell Luke exactly how she felt.

  And what she wanted.

  Chapter 5

  “I know you said you aren’t mad, but you haven’t said a single word since we left the courthouse.” Luke yanked open the truck door and offered Georgia Moon a hand. It had been a long day and now they waited for the jury to come to a verdict. Hopefully, Robert Brothers went away for a long time, but Luke didn’t care anymore. All of his secrets were out.

  Except one.

  And no matter what, that secret needed to die with his father next week.

  “I’m not angry,” she said as she made her way into the riding school, which used to be his home. “But we do need to talk.”

  “Okay. I’m all ears.” Though he wasn’t sure he was going to like what she had to say based on the contorted look on her face. It was as if she bit into a lemon.

  “Let’s go up to my private quarters. The riders will be back shortly for dinner, and I don’t want any distractions or interruptions.”

  “You’re scaring me, Georgia Moon.” He followed her up the windy staircase in the back hallway.

  “I don’t mean to, but this is important.” She punched in the code to her suite.

  Once the door was open, he made a beeline to the mini kitchen and beer. He twisted the top and chugged. The cold bubbles fizzled down his throat and settled in his gut but did nothing to calm his nerves. “Want one?” He raised the longneck.

  “Absolutely. I have some guac and chips. We can sit out on the balcony.”

  For the next couple of minutes, they remained quiet while they situated themselves on the patio. She chose one of the lounge chairs, so he made himself comfortable in the one next to her. In the distance, the arch of the sun dipped below the mountains casting a purple-and-pink glow across the darkening sky.

  The balcony overlooked the east barn, and he could see the ranchers leisurely making their way back to the main house. “You really did a bang-up job with this school.”

  “Thank you,” she said. “That’s in part why I wanted to talk to you.” She set her hat on the deck and twirled her wavy brown hair between her delicate fingers.

  The motion held his gaze captive. He licked his lips, remembering how hers tasted like strawberries. “What about the school?”

  “We want you to be the face of it.”

  Luke laughed, although he knew she was serious about the offer. All of her brothers had come to him over the last week w
ith the same offer. The more he heard it, the more appealing it became. “JW is the draw. He was a better rider and cowboy than I ever could be. People come here because he still holds the world record.”

  “But you’re the world-class trainer. You’re the one who helped get him there, and your training techniques are the best in the business. Besides, you know how to build this out so it’s a hub for all things on the cowboy circuit, not just bull riding.”

  “You and your brothers know how to—”

  “We want you. I want you,” she said. “Before everything went down, that’s where we were headed anyway.”

  “Well, before Bella got her fingers into JW. Once they started dating, I was going to be pushed out.” Luke reached out and took Georgia Moon’s hand. “The entire time Bella was playing JW so her father could take over Whiskey Ranch.”

  “That’s the past. I want to focus on the future. One that includes you on this ranch. In this school.”

  He arched a brow. “You really want me to work for you and your brothers?”

  “We want to offer you a partnership in the school, so it would be more than that,” she said, staring at him with pleading eyes.

  He promised her he’d be honest. “I know. Your brothers already talked to me about this.”

  “I see.” She turned her head. “When?”

  “JW a few days ago and then both JD and JB yesterday. They didn’t lay anything out because they said they had to work out the details with you,” he admitted.

  “I have a draft of the offer in my office. We were going to present it to you tonight, but no time like the present.” She took a sip of her beer. “It’s a good offer, and we have a place for your sister.”

  “As what?”

  “Working with the horse breeders,” Georgia Moon said. “I’ve mentioned it to her, and she’s up for the challenge but didn’t think you would accept our offer.”

  “If I accepted, could my sister and I live in the manager’s quarters?” And with that question, he sealed his fate.

  He would stay and continue lying to Georgia Moon—to the world—about his true identity. He rationalized his decision by telling himself that if she hadn’t known one of his father’s victims, it wouldn’t matter.

  “Of course, but I was hoping you might want to stay here with me most nights.”

  He raised his beer to his lips but didn’t take a sip as his jaw slacked open. He cleared his throat, but he couldn’t form any words. Staying at Whiskey Ranch meant pursuing a relationship with Georgia Moon, but he figured it would take months before they were in a place where he spent more nights with her next to him, than sleeping alone.

  “The first time we made love, you mentioned the word love.” Her gaze dropped to her lap, and she fiddled with her fingers. “Do you remember?”

  His heart pounded against his rib cage like a herd of elephants racing across the open plains. Visions of Georgia Moon riding bareback with her long hair cascading over her shoulders, bouncing up and down with every trot. Every memory he had of her bombarded his mind like a tidal wave crashing the shore and taking with it everything in its path.

  His brain stopped on the precise moment the words I love you slipped from his mouth. He hadn’t meant to say it out loud, and when she didn’t respond, he wondered if she didn’t hear him.

  Or if he’d scared her off.

  “Yes. I remember saying it,” he said.

  “Did you mean it?” she asked with a shaky voice.

  He hated that his words and actions tore at her confidence. One of the things he admired and adored about her was her ability to speak her mind.

  He owed her the same respect. No beating around the bush.

  “I meant it.” He took her chin with his thumb and forefinger, forcing her to make eye contact. “I love you. I’ve been in love with you for what seems like forever but fucked-up shit always got in the way.” He swallowed. He was breaking all his own rules and doing exactly what he said he couldn’t.

  Or wouldn’t.

  But when it came to Georgia Moon, he lost all control. She made him feel like he could actually have a second chance.

  She made him want to be the best version of himself.

  A slow smile eased across her face. “As crazy as it might sound, I love you too.”

  Gently, he brushed his lips across hers. The world around him blurred out, and she became the only thing he could focus on. The kiss grew deeper and more passionate with every swirl of his tongue. “Let’s take this inside before I take you right here,” he murmured.

  “We’re supposed to go to JW’s for dinner.” She glanced at her Apple Watch. “We need to be there in an hour.”

  “It’s only a fifteen-minute horseback ride, and we can be fashionably late.”

  “I’ve never been late a day in my life. And neither have you.”

  He scooped her up into his arms and stepped back into her private quarters.

  “Put me down,” she said with an amused tone. “I wasn’t done talking. There is something else—”

  “I decided to move back here, and we just declared our love for one another, I think whatever else you wanted to talk about can wait, don’t you?” Only he didn’t wait for her to respond. Instead, he laid her on the bed and as quickly as possible removed all her clothing, as well as his own.

  Soft moans filled the room as he kissed and touched every inch of her body. Her skin felt like silk under his fingertips.

  He tried to keep his desperation in check. In all his years, he’d never wanted to please someone as much as his body demanded to give hers all the affection she deserved. He didn’t want this moment to be about him, but her, and only her gratification.

  Her hands roamed his body like a master painter stroking their brush over a canvas, creating an erotic friction that had his muscles aching for release. Her soft lips sprinkled kisses across his chest while her hands inched down his stomach. Tossing his head back, he sucked in a deep breath, letting her have her way. Whatever she wanted, he’d give her.

  No questions asked.

  Propping up on his elbows, he watched her take him into her hot mouth. He hissed when she caught his gaze. He reached down and gently brushed some of her hair from her face. “You’re so beautiful,” he whispered.

  “You’re not so bad yourself.” She straddled him, taking him in slowly.

  His chest heaved up and down as he struggled to fill his lungs.

  With one hand, she fondled her breast, and the other she touched herself intimately as she rocked back and forth.

  He gritted his teeth and gripped her hips for support. He wouldn’t last but a few more minutes, if that long.

  She arched her back and made a couple of jerky movements before she pressed both hands on his chest. Her hair tumbled down over his body, tickling his skin. She clenched him tightly as her body shook violently. She called out his name over and over again as his release spilled out into her, making his body quiver.

  “Amazing,” she mumbled as she collapsed on top of him.

  “Glad you think so.” He ran his hands up and down her back, enjoying the way she shifted every time he hit her ticklish spot. He never wanted to be without her ever again.

  “I love you,” he whispered, kissing her temple.

  “I love you back,” she said.

  And after this trip to watch his father be executed, he’d never lie to her again.

  Chapter 6

  Georgia Moon mounted her horse Trixi with a heavy heart. She needed to tell Luke about her trip early next week, and she needed to do it sooner rather than later because she knew her brothers didn’t approve of her going and would not think twice about bringing it up in front of Luke.

  But would they do that tonight?

  Kitty had finally moved to the ranch in the last week and with their wedding only two weeks away, tonight was about JW and his lovely bride to be.

  Fuck. There would certainly be three topics tonight.

  The wedding.

>   Robert Brothers.

  And Joey Hill.

  “Are you okay?” Luke asked while his crazy horse did a little happy dance.

  “I was just thinking about the trial.” Not a total lie, but she needed to plaster on an upbeat face because she should be riding on cloud nine. “I hope it doesn’t put a dark cloud on JW and Kitty’s wedding.”

  “We won’t let it,” he said with such a positive tone that she thought for a split second she wouldn’t tell him tonight.

  But she had to.

  “There is something else troubling me.” The main house came into view. In five minutes, she’d be inside her brother’s house and raising a toast to the bride and groom. Hopefully, Luke would understand why she needed to do this.

  “What’s that?”

  “You have to promise me you won’t fly off the handle when I tell you this.”

  “Sounds like we’re about to have our first fight as a couple.” He jumped from his horse.

  She followed suit. Taking his hand, they made their way to the front porch where Kitty and JW sat, waving frantically.

  “I don’t know if you heard, but Joey Hill is being executed next week.”

  Luke stopped dead in his tracks and turned. “I had read that.”

  “I was invited to be a witness in place of Joanie’s parents.”

  “No. No. No. No. Please tell me you don’t plan on going.” Anger seeped from his intense gaze.

  “Her family would want me there.”

  Luke shook his head. “You don’t know that, and I’m not going to let you go.”

  “Excuse me?” She yanked her hand away. “I’m a grown-ass adult. I don’t need your permission.”

  “You have no idea what you will be witnessing, and it will change you forever,” he said so loudly he might have woken the dead.

  She dug her heels in.

  “What the hell is going on?” JW leaped from his seat and raced down the steps. “What are we yelling about?”